Get Your Child Accepted to their Best Private School!
Learn how to find the best school for your child!
In our 12-part course, private school expert Brian Fisher teaches you everything you need to know to find the best school for your child.
Through video lessons taught by Brian, worksheets to help you organize critical information, interviews with top notch admission and financial aid directors, and an essay writing coach, our course guides you through each phase of the admission process.
Take the course and become an expert at private school admissions today! It's time to find the best school for your son or daughter!
Scroll down the page to view an overview of each lesson contained in the course.
Brian Fisher
Welcome to A Parent's Guide to Getting Your Child Accepted to their Best Private School
1.1 (lesson): Start your private school search! [VIDEO]
1.2 (worksheet): How do I get started with finding a private school?
1.3 (e-book): Mastering the Private School Admission Process
2.1 (lesson): Breaking down the private school admission calendar [VIDEO]
2.2 (worksheet): Build a Plan: Private School Admission Calendar & To Do List
2.3 (e-book): Applying To Private School After The Deadline
3.1 (lesson): What is private school financial aid? [VIDEO]
3.2 (lesson): How to apply for private school financial aid [VIDEO]
3.3 (lesson): Can I afford private school? [VIDEO]
3.4 (lesson): Financial aid processors [VIDEO]
3.5 (lesson): Let's have a conversation about private school financial aid [VIDEO]
3.6 (worksheet): Private School Financial Aid
3.7 (e-book): Understanding Private School Financial Aid: What it is & How to Apply
3.8 (insider advice): "How to Apply for Private School Financial Aid" with Eric Long, Director of Financial Aid, Tabor Academy
4.1 (lesson): Let’s start researching schools! [VIDEO]
4.2 (worksheet): Researching Schools: What Kinds of Schools Are Out There?
5.1 (lesson): Let's inquire! [VIDEO]
5.2 (worksheet): How to inquire to a private school?
6.1 (lesson): So many school sites & brochures. How do I make sense of everything? [VIDEO]
6.2 (worksheet): So many school sites & brochures, how do I make sense of everything?
7.1 (lesson): The all important school interview & tour! Here’s how you ace both! [VIDEO]
7.2 (worksheet): The all important school interview!
7.3 (worksheet): The school tour!
7.5 (insider advice): "How to Prepare for Your Private School interview" with Andrew McCain Director of Admissions, Tabor Academy
7.4 (insider advice): "How to Tour a Private School"
7.5 (insider advice): "Eight Questions Every Parent Should Ask an Admission Director" with Leo Marshall, Director of Admission, The Webb Schools
8.1 (lesson): Research’s done! Tours & interviews are complete! Now let’s build a final list of schools! [VIDEO]
8.2 (worksheet): Building your final list of schools!
9.1 (lesson): Entrance exams? How do I prep for those? [VIDEO]
9.2 (worksheet): Testing Overview
10.1 (lesson): Learn how to hit a homerun with your essay! [VIDEO]
10.2 (worksheet): Admission Essay Advice & Guidance
10.3 (insider advice): "How to Write a Private School Admission Essay" with Anindita Sempere, The Writing Faculty
11.1 (lesson): My applications are in! What do I do next? [VIDEO]
11.2 (worksheet): Application In: What to do while you wait!
12. 1 (lesson): You made it — it’s decision time! Now let's build a post-decision plan. [VIDEO]
12.2 (worksheet): Let’s Create a Post-Decision Plan!
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